I'm just a mom. Two kids, and one on the way. Join me for my journey to welcome our newest member!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Reuben's Birth: Part 2

Friday, October 5th (41 + 1)

I woke up pregnant, yet again. (Insert exasperated sigh here.) Ashley and I went to Mall of Georgia and shopped for dresses, watched our girls play in the soft play area, and walked. We walked, and walked, and walked. We walked for about four of the five hours we were there. During the whole day, I only had a couple Braxton-Hicks contractions that were even noticeable. All that walking did nothing......or so I thought. I arrived home around 3:30 PM and decided to lay down for a little while since I was feeling achy and crampy from all the walking. About 4 PM, I noticed a contraction (or at least I think I did). I had a couple more “maybe-they-are, maybe-they-aren't” contractions before I IM'd Christine to let her know I thought something might be going on. At 4:58 PM (aren't time stamps wonderful?) I had another, but this one I KNEW was for real. There was no question.

I took a nap from 5-6:30. When I woke up, we had dinner and put the kids to bed. After that, Joel and I sat down to play Dominion. In between my turns I chatted with Christine on Yahoo! messenger. She asked how I was doing, and I was happy to report that I was still having an occasional contraction. I was really proud of myself for doing a good job ignoring them like we were always told to do. “Ignore them as long as you can.” Got it, doing it.

Of course, the first thing she wanted to know was how often they were happening. (Doh!) I had to wait to have two to tell her....”30 min”. It was 9:43 PM. I know, no one in their right mind gets excited about contractions that are 30 min apart after they've been going on for 5 hours (shouldn't they have sped up by now?), but this was LABOR!!! Like, for real. And as someone who had never experienced it without the tubes and wires that come with a pitocin induction, I would have been excited whether they were 5 min or 90 min apart. While we were waiting for that second contraction, Christine and I discussed when I should tell Joel what was going on. I was kind of enjoying keeping the information a secret, though. We decided if they got closer to 10 min apart, THEN I would tell him. I was also pretty sure everything would stop because they were slower than when they had started. Christine laughed and told me, “Of course, because 41w1d is too early to have a baby!”

At 10:48 PM, I noticed Debbie was on Facebook, so I messaged her just to give her a heads up that I was FINALLY having some action. At that point, though, I sort of wanted them to stop. If they weren't going to pick up, then slowing and stopping would be ideal so I could sleep, but more importantly, so I could go to my scheduled massage the next day! Christine was planning to take some of her kids to “Touch-a-truck” the next morning, and invited me and my family to come along (if there was no baby). Sounded like a good distraction to me!

Joel and I finished up our game and I had him do the dishes (even though it was almost midnight) because I didn't want a sink full of dirty dishes in case tonight was the night! Before he went to bed, he dutifully asked me if I needed anything. I was about to ask for a new cup of water to keep next to the bed, when I said, “Oooooh, my water........(thoughtful pause)........cup isn't contaminated!” I didn't deliver the message that way on purpose, but I was trying to think whether the kids had been drinking out of my cup again. Joel was so sure I was about to tell him my water just broke. It took me a second to figure out why he looked so shocked about me not needing a new cup!  

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