I'm just a mom. Two kids, and one on the way. Join me for my journey to welcome our newest member!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My First Yoga Experience

Status: 26w6d

I have lots to update, but will have to save it for another day because I don't have a lot of time (a few pictures, too!). I just wanted to pop in and talk about a prenatal yoga class I went to last night.

Although this is my third baby, this is the first time I have ever taken a prenatal exercise class. Come to think of it, this is the first time I think I've EVER taken an exercise class. I didn't really know what to expect, but it was a really good experience. I went to a yoga studio that is pretty well recommended, and pretty popular (especially for pregnancy) - Pierce Yoga. I had looked at the studio during my second pregnancy, but just didn't think I had the time to do something like that. Something I have learned since is the importance of taking care of yourself - mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically (especially during pregnancy).

Anyway, last night I went to my first class. Before the class I had to fill out a form and spent a few minutes talking with the instructor about my births, my pregnancy, and any physical limitations I might have. Then we got right to work. We started with laying on the floor and doing different things, then moved to cat poses, then did some standing and light lunging poses. I don't know any technical terms except for cat and downward dog. We did those, that's about the extent of my ability to explain what we did. It was nice to not feel completely out of shape, and I could definitely feel the stretching so that was awesome!

After we did all the actual yoga, there was tea and the instructor shared a birth story and answered that the other women had. It was very strange for me to be among first time moms and not my usual ICAN of Atlanta and other birthy crowds. It was interesting to see how far I've come since I was in their shoes three years ago.

I signed up for 5 weeks of classes, so I will definitely be going back (I liked it, so I would go back anyway), and I may even try to drop in to some extra classes if my schedule permits. My rating? B+

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