I'm just a mom. Two kids, and one on the way. Join me for my journey to welcome our newest member!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

We have a foot!

Status: 18w3d

Last night I was chatting with my friend Sarah (you know, the one whose water I drank that started this hole charade). I was laying in bed with my hand on my belly, being a nerd and trying to see where my fundus was, and I got kicked (or elbowed/pushed/head-butted...something) - directly into my probing fingers! I was shocked. I knew I had felt it, but I have only been feeling movements here and there, so I wasn't expecting to be able to feel something on the outside! Then it happened again! I called Joel over (while still talking to Sarah) and Bucky gave him a softer, but still noticeable high-five, too!

I tell ya, makes a big difference when you don't have an anterior placenta (which I had with the other two)!


  1. Lucky...Rick could not feel the baby until around 25 weeks. At almost 29 weeks she is so active and I love it.

  2. That's awesome! I had an anterior placenta too, and didn't get to feel much on the outside. This is really neat!

  3. With an anterior placenta myself, I am SUPER jealous of you. :-) So glad you were able to feel a foot!!

    1. I'm sorry! That was always how I had known things, so I guess that's why I was so shocked.

  4. Thinking about feeling movements makes me really miss being pregnant!
