I'm just a mom. Two kids, and one on the way. Join me for my journey to welcome our newest member!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Fun with Team Green!

Status: 18w4d

I pulled out my sewing machine on Saturday for the first time in months to make a gift for my friend Tamar's baby shower. I forgot how much I love to create something from nothing, and the pride I take in watching those things be used by myself, my family, or others. Then today, I was going through something like 10 bags of fabric that another friend of mine, Liath, had given to me while cleaning out her stash. After all that fabric-y goodness I became inspired to sew something for Bucky!

For those of you who are not aware, I left it up to Joel to decide if we will find out Bucky's gender at our anatomy scan in May. He voted "no", reasoning that we have one of each so we are familiar with the nuances that come with a child being a boy or a girl. I told him that was fine as long as he realized we have to come up with a name for a boy AND a girl. He STILL decided to stay team green! I'm sort of shocked because names are very hard for us. 

Anyway, back to sewing. So tonight I decided I would make Bucky two hats to help us announce the gender at his/her birth. And here they are, for your viewing pleasure!

It's a GIRL!

It's a BOY!


  1. precious! I love the little hearts on the it's a girl hat.

    1. Thanks! My sewing machine has some cool features! I'm attempting to make booties to go with them~

  2. :) I can't wait to find out on his/her birthday! Its cute that you are going to use these precious hats to announce the gender!
