I'm just a mom. Two kids, and one on the way. Join me for my journey to welcome our newest member!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Reuben's Birth: Epilogue

Birth is unpredictable. It is, what it is, and it will be how it will be. Each of my births has taught me something about myself. I have grown stronger as a person, a mother, and a woman. 

I know that most of the people that read this story don't share my thoughts and beliefs on the spiritual and primal experience that is birth. And that's ok. I just want to share my story in the hopes that just one other woman out there reads it and is inspired. I hope that some woman out there reads this and says, "Yes! I CAN do it! I can take charge of my baby's entrance into this world!" Birth doesn't have to be a scary experience. It can challenge us in ways we never thought possible and force us to dig deep within ourselves to find strength, but we don't have to do it alone. You are never alone. 

Sharing your story can change the world - whether it's a birth, a death, or just a day in your life. Please share yours! (Feel free to post links in the comments!)

One question I have gotten a lot was, "Would you do it again?" ABSOLUTELY. I would probably (hopefully) call people sooner. Like the moment I knew it was real. I would probably do a better job preparing my husband to go over my head and call people when I was being stubborn and playing strong. 

Having a homebirth was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Although dramatic, it was actually very low-drama. Does that make sense? Everyone was very chill (for the most part) and just treated everything like it was normal and happened every day.....because it DOES. I love these women (and one man - DocB) for believing in me when I doubted myself. They all knew it was possible. They all knew I wasn't broken. And now, I know it, too. For real. 

And for all you out there who don't want to talk birth with me because you think I will come at you with my "agenda", that's not how I roll. Every woman is entitled to her own beliefs and comfort levels and should do what she feels is best. Just please be informed, that's all I ask. If you ask me something and I share the truth with you, don't be afraid. It can be scary to discover things while you're pregnant, but trust your heart because it will only lead you to where you are supposed to be. 

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